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Pablo Picasso Art Prints

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35 Items
Guernica Fine Art Print
40" x 20"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $79.99
347 Series Etchings Fine Art Print
347 Series Etchings
22" x 30"
Price: $138.99
Motherhood Fine Art Print
22" x 15"
Price: $36.99
Dance of Youth (S-Litho) Fine Art Print
Dance of Youth (S-Litho)
18" x 20"
Price: $36.99
Untitled Composition Fine Art Print
Untitled Composition
25" x 32"
Price: $138.99
Arles-Donation Fine Art Print
22" x 29"
Price: $1,194.99
Hommage a Rene Char Fine Art Print
Hommage a Rene Char
21" x 30"
Price: $1,594.99
Salon De Mai Fine Art Print
Salon De Mai
19" x 30"
Price: $1,274.99
Xxxii Festival D'avignon Fine Art Print
Xxxii Festival D'avignon
20" x 30"
Price: $634.99
XXIV Festival D'avignon Fine Art Print
XXIV Festival D'avignon
21" x 30"
Price: $1,114.99
Old Guitarist Fine Art Print
Old Guitarist
20" x 30"
Price: $42.99
Blue Nude, c.1902 Fine Art Print
Blue Nude, c.1902
22" x 28"
Price: $36.99
Old Guitarist Fine Art Print
Old Guitarist
24" x 36"
Price: $36.99
Three Musicians Fine Art Print
Three Musicians
11" x 14"
Price: $36.99
Three Musicians Fine Art Print
Three Musicians
8" x 10"
Price: $36.99
Blue Nude Fine Art Print
Blue Nude
11" x 14"
Price: $36.99
Old Guitarist Fine Art Print
Old Guitarist
11" x 14"
Price: $36.99
Three Musicians Fine Art Print
Three Musicians
14" x 11"
Price: $36.99
Sylvette Au Fauteuil Fine Art Print
Sylvette Au Fauteuil
20" x 28"
Price: $42.99
Le Vert Egalant Fine Art Print
Le Vert Egalant
26" x 22"
Price: $474.99
Portrait of a Harlequin Fine Art Print
Portrait of a Harlequin
11" x 14"
Price: $19.99
Composition: The Peasants, 1906 Fine Art Print
Composition: The Peasants, 1906
11" x 14"
Price: $19.99
New Year Fine Art Print
New Year
16" x 20"
Price: $76.99
Artist's Son (Paul as Harlequin) Fine Art Print
Artist's Son (Paul as Harlequin)
16" x 20"
Price: $76.99
Decoupages Fine Art Print
16" x 20"
Price: $76.99
Guernica Fine Art Print
54" x 28"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $118.99
The Dog Fine Art Print
The Dog
16" x 20"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $25.99
Dove of Peace Fine Art Print
Dove of Peace
16" x 20"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $23.99
Dove of Peace Fine Art Print
Dove of Peace
30" x 24"
+ Multiple Sizes
Price: $74.99
Guernica Fine Art Print
39" x 20"
Price: $44.99
Joy of Life Fine Art Print
Joy of Life
54" x 28"
Price: $79.99
Joy of Life Fine Art Print
Joy of Life
40" x 20"
Price: $39.99
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35 Items
Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso (25 October 1881 – 8 April 1973) showed artistic ability at an early age, and when he began to study art seriously in Barcelona and Madrid, he was already a skilled painter. In the early 1900s he visited and eventually settled in Paris, where he was part of a vibrant artistic community that included Gertrude Stein. Although greatly influenced by other artists in Europe and beyond, Picasso was inventive and prolific, and early in his career earned a worldwide reputation as an innovator. His enormous body of work spans so many years that art experts generally separate his career into distinct phases, such as the Blue Period, the Rose Period and his most famous contribution to modern art, Cubism. Arguably Picasso’s most famous work is his 1937 depiction of the German bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War — "Guernica." This large canvas embodies for many the inhumanity, brutality and hopelessness of war. Asked to explain its symbolism, Picasso said, “It isn’t up to the painter to define the symbols. Otherwise it would be better if he wrote them out in so many words! The public who look at the picture must interpret the symbols as they understand them.” Picasso, unlike so many before him, was an international celebrity as well as an incredibly important (and extremely well-paid) contributor to the world of art. As of 2004, Picasso remains the top ranked artist (based on sales of his works at auctions) according to the Art Market Trends report.
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