Decorating With Unique Decor

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 29. October 2015 09:08

There are many different ways you can spice up your home with works art. Ranging from a child’s room to the kitchen, unusual and unique decor can make any room stand above the rest.

Unique and Unusual Art


Creative Kids Room

Almost all kids enjoy fun things to look at while they are in their room. Their room is probably cluttered with toys and the walls might be filled with their homemade artwork. I think most kids can agree that they love to watch cartoons. If it’s not watching actual cartoons, most kids like the way cartoon characters look. If your child has a love for cartoon looking characters and you’d like to incorporate cartoon posters into their bedrooms somehow, has a wide variety of cartoon art to choose from. These pieces of art would look great hanging above your child’s bed or on the opposite wall where they keep all of their own artwork. Finding a piece of art that matches your kid’s color scheme won’t be hard because there are many different colored cartoon posters to choose from.


Paul Brent	Cabana Flamingo

Cabana Flamingo by Paul Brent


Casual Chic

In our own bedrooms we like to create a safe place for ourselves. Somewhere that is filled with things that represent us and who we are as a person as well as the things we love to look. Your bedroom is a place that you can go to calm down when life gets hectic so you should decorate it with things that make you happy. What better way to create a calming environment than decorating with artwork? If you are fond of calm yet beautiful pieces of art, casual chic art is just for you. Many of the art at offers a variety of colored art that can match your color preferences. The best part about casual chic art is that two or three pieces in a room are not going to overpower each other because they are individually simple on their own and accent each other. Add flair to that bare light blue wall in your room and add a casual chic art piece.


 Swan Papel	BluebirdSwan Papel	Red Bird

Unusual Teen

There’s something about teenagers that makes them feel the urge to express themselves anyway possible. Some teens spend a lot of time in their rooms and don’t mind not ever leaving if they didn’t have to. If your teen has a liking for unique and unusual things, artwork can be a great way to let them show that liking. From landscapes to unusual objects, any type of art can be a good way to bring life to a bedroom. Allow your teen to add flair to the study area in their room or beside their bed, by adding unique art that they would enjoy. Many artworks have different colors in them and would look great with any neutral color scheme.


Whether it’s for you or for someone you know, art is a way that people can jazz up the rooms of their home. With endless possibilities on how to accent a room, consider cartoon art for your kids or unusual art for your teen.




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