Pablo Picasso, the Master

by Fulcrum Gallery Staff 14. March 2013 15:24


Dove of Peace

Everyone's heard of him, and everyone wants one of his masterpieces. Pablo Picasso is the most famous artists of the twentieth century. Born and baptized as Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso, he was better known as Picasso. Picasso was known for his creations of Century Art.

He made a name for himself very early on in his life. Born in 1881, Picasso started painting before the age of ten. His talent was rare and pure. He had numerous masterpieces, as early as 1901 to the 1950s.

One of my favorite of his pieces, is the Blue Nude. It compliments any room in your home. It was one of his earlier pieces, painted in the early 1900s after the tragic death of a good friend, Casagemas. As a way of mourning, this was one of the paintings during what they called his Blue period. Looking at the paitning, you realize the depth of his pain, the rawness of this mourning, and his talent with the use and shading of only one color - blue.

BLue Nude

Folllowing his Blue period, he has a Rose period, during which he painted with more colorful tones like orange and pink, quite the opposite to the cool blues from his previous Blue period.

Picasso once said, "Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.” This rang true with his paintings.

To view more of Pablo Picasso's works of art from the Blue or Rose period, or any other masterpieces of his lifetime, visit us at

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