An eclipse is a fantastical event to witness. A total eclipse of the sun plunges the earth into darkness even during the middle of the day. eclipse artwork brings this celestial event down from the cosmos for all to see.
The eclipse photographs of Philip Hart and Phillip Jones for Stock trek Images depict the annular solar eclipse in stunning photographic display. “Solar Eclipse with prominences and diamond ring effect,” by Philip Hart is a impressive photograph that captures the moon passing over the sun, blocking out all of its light save for a bright diamond ring affect peeking out from the edges. “Annular Solar Eclipse” by Philip Jones is an earthly photograph depicting a red sky as the moon begins to pass over the sun, creating a sickled slice of the red-hot sun.
Stock trek Images and Philip Hart offer even more impressive eclipse art. “Solar Eclipse” by Stock trek Images is a striking photograph that captures the bright white light emitting from behind the moon as it blocks the sun during a solar eclipse. “Composite image of lunar Eclipse, Victoria, Australia,” by Philip Hart for Stock trek Images merges the phases of a lunar eclipse occurring over the sky in Victoria Australia.
Ron Miller for Stock trek Images creates a fantastical fictitious galaxy, depicting a bright blue star being eclipsed by the moon over the rocky terrain of a hypothetical planet, in his digital image, “The bright star Rigel Eclipsed by a moon of a hypothetical planet.” Michael Miller’s photograph, “Lunar Eclipse,” captures the balmy red moon as it is eclipsed by the Sun.