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Susan Kline Wall Art

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More than 20 years ago Susan Kline began creating art for a living. She has no formal training in art and started by selling designs in the decorative painting industry. She was very successful because of her passion for art. At the onset of her career she was able to publish up to 13 books. In those early years she wrote accompanying articles for magazines such as Decorative Woodcraft, Paintworks, and Better Homes and Gardens Special Publications. She also designed over two hundred patterns, and was able to contribute to several hardback books through Leisure Arts and Dimensions. Soon Susan jumped into the licensing and art prints market with Penny Lane. This was the stepping stone towards he numerous opportunities for her designs.

Her art has come full circle over the years and has and evolved into a much different style. Today, many who look at her art can’t believe she’s a self-taught artist. Her art has received warm reception in the many shows and exhibitions she has participated in. She is currently selling and exhibiting in more than 25 juried arts shows a year, as well as supplying artwork to 3 different galleries. Her subjects have become more exciting and color palettes brighter. Susan says her artwork is her passion and she’s truly blessed to have been given a gift that not only brings joy to herself, but hopefully everyone else that comes into contact with it! She hopes that her artwork gives smiles, laughter and joy to other people’s heart.
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