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David Cowles Art Prints

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Cowles was born in Rochester, N.Y. on 3 November 1961, the last of six children. His art career began at birth, it being the family business. His father, Hobart, was a Professor of Ceramics at Rochester Institute of Technology, and his mother, Barbara, was manager of Shop One, an art gift shop. Cowles attended classes at the local colleges for a year or so, but his actual education began when he landed a job at the Rodchester newspaper, Democrat and Chronicle in 1983. He left the paper to work freelance full-time in 1991. Cowles' work has appeared in: Entertainment Weekly, Rolling Stone, Time, Newsweek, Playboy, People, The Village Voice, Money, Fortune, Los Angeles Magazine, New York Magazine, The Boston Globe, The Chicago Tribune, The New York Times, The New Republic, Vanity Fair and many others. His first animated short, Superfunk and Freaky-Dee won the Grand Jury Prize for animation in the New York Independent Film and Video Festival 2000. Cowles produced a pilot called Skitterville for Playhouse Disney in 2006. He's also produced many videos for They Might Be Giants and TMBG 123s, winning many awards for this work. Cowles has done commercial spots for The Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, The Democrat and Chronicle, The Rochester Institute of Technology, and an award winning PSA for the H2O Hero campaign.
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