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Durwood Zedd Wall Art

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Durwood Zedd is a photographer whose work celebrates the beauty of simplicity in man-made and natural design. He prints in both iris silver and gelatin, as well as pigment on canvas. A long-time fitness trainer, auctioneer and art collector, his passions are evident in his work. Zedd’s vision goes beyond just creating and selling art. He believes that artwork, whether a painting, a poster print, or a photograph, is an essential element of every modern space. His respect for the human form, his curiosity about the objects that bring enjoyment and shape to people's lives and his appreciation for art and design, are clearly visible in his photographic images. His fine art prints are of high-quality and of high resolution. His beautiful photographs are virtually unparalleled in range of color and quality. From the accuracy and management of the color to the quality of the materials to produce the products, he holds everything to the highest standards.

Looking at his art, it’s difficult to believe he’s a self-taught photographer. It was in 1999 that he began experimenting with 35 mm and quickly moved to larger format cameras. Today, his photographs are stunning and are well received by the San Francisco Art community. Within a very short time, his photographs were sought after by private collectors and designers across the country. And just within the first year of becoming a photographer, he had shows in two large local galleries, Thomas Reynolds and Peter Alexander. He is currently on display at Tamad in New York and also recently exhibited at the San Jose Museum of Fine Art.
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