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Lowell Herrero Wall Art

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Lowell Herrero (1921) is an American visual artist whose artwork is delivered in realism and whimsy styles. He started his painting at a very young age, painting real world subjects and adding some unusual elements in them. He continued painting through his high school years before graduating to join California College of Arts and Crafts. After completing his course, he secured a job as an artist, a position that helped him hone his skills further. In the 1950s, he decided to quit his job to start up his own company. Through his company, he got several contracts from different companies, including Bank of America and Chevrolet. When he later closed his firm, he switched from illustration to fine art. Even while doing fine art, he didn't lose his style that had been associated with him for a long time, ensuring that he still used bold colors. Good examples are Lady in Hayak and Judy and Marge. His works have been great sources of inspiration for many artists.

Herrero’s paintings celebrate America; showing features about the country, including culture, animals, means of transport and business. While in his studio on the hills that ogle at the Napa Valley, Northern San Francisco, he keeps his smile as he transforms his mind thoughts into high quality artwork that speak volumes. He has an experience that spans decades, having memories of the great depression, World War II, and the development of Silicon Valley. Herrero doesn’t want all that experience to go down the drain and so he has decided to put it all in art. Besides living in the US, he has traveled parts of the globe where he captures beautiful landscapes and features that later form part of his works of art. Herrero makes his paintings on canvas and uses a variety of colors to ensure that the images provide the best details. His works are exhibited in different galleries across the globe. His "Ava and Nonno at Harvest" painting won the People's Choice Award in 2006 at Napa Valley Museum.
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