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Lila Rose Kennedy Wall Art

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2 Items
Chrysler Building Fine Art Print
Chrysler Building
8" x 24"
Price: $41.99
Empire State Building Fine Art Print
Empire State Building
8" x 24"
Price: $41.99
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2 Items
Lila Rose Kennedy worked for 18 years with a licensing agency and an art publisher. She produced artwork that was licensed for many different consumer applications as well as being reproduced as prints. Her images, for the most part being in the juvenile genre, have appeared on numerous products, from wallpaper and gift wrap to needlework kits and textiles. She now enjoys the freedom and expressiveness of creating original paintings that are inspired by observing nature and life. She strives to capture the initial “awe” felt as her eyes settle on a scene before for the first time - that one moment in time – and that is the goal with each of her new painting. She’s attended several workshops with nationally acclaimed artists and has taken the techniques learned from these experiences and developed her own recognizable and personal style of painting. She works in pastel or oil, and her paintings are intriguing and vibrant, reflecting nature as she sees it.

Most of the times it is the glaring playfulness of shadow and light across a landscape that sparks her efforts. Lila is driven to create her own unique interpretations of these visual impressions. She says that her reward is when her viewers are drawn into the emotion through her painting, to an extent that they experience a similar response that also inspired her at that particular moment in time when the painting was produced. In particular, Plein air painting is a joy to her, and she was honored to participate in the Piedmont Plein Air Paintout for 2consecutive years. This is a juried event in North Carolina (High Point).
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